10 October 2015

Evariste, Why We Come To Rwanda

Evariste had his heart surgery in 2011 by HHNW.  At the time he was 23 years old, he was enrolled in college but was bed-ridden, had very little energy, suffered from constant headaches and could walk only short distances because of his shortness of breath.  It was a 2 year process for him to get to surgery.  In 2009, he was identified  as a candidate for surgery but the system of paperwork from his rural area to Kigali hospital dragged on as he became sicker  His surgery was April 18, 2011, receiving a mechanical valve replacement. By May 2nd he was recovered enough to re-enroll in university, the School of Finance and Banking with a scholarship from the government.  He graduated in  June 2013 after 3 healthy years in school and then began his masters in September, finishing August 2015 with a MBA, specializing in project management thanks to the financial assistance of a HHNW member.  His biggest health challenge after surgery was stabilizing his INR, which took about 1 year.

Together with another post surgery patient (Team Heart 2008), Jean Paul, Evariste works with the Rwanda Cardiac Patient Network.  This is a network of 521(to date) patients in Rwanda who have had cardiac surgery.  Evariste coaches them and their families to come up with a treatment plan that is unique and workable for their particular situations, He also works as a project manager for a micro finance program started by Team Heart (Boston) to help post cardiac surgery patients write business proposals to receive micro-financing to start small, sustainable businesses. Some of his "projects" were giving money to a woman who makes fabric bags and jewelry; another man works with a cell phone company who transfers money by cellphone. The man earns a living on the interest charged with each transfer.  Another patient is selling charcoal and has earned enough money to buy,his wife a sewing machine so she can sew curtains, adding to their family income. The list of small business includes agriculture as well.

When each of the four international cardiac surgical teams come to Kigali to operate, Evariste always visits the patients in the hospital, counseling and advising them to allay their fears about the surgery and life beyond. He is definitely a poster child.and dedicated patient advocate.

He also works with the Non-Communicable Disease Alliance for East Africa in conjunction with the Rwandan Heart Association and the Rwandan Diabetes Association to raise public awareness of rheumatic heart disease.

Evariste is indebted to both the Salvation Army and his parents. In 1994, post genocide, the Salvation Army came to Rwanda to give humanitarian aid to vulnerable families. In 1995, Evariste was school age and the Salvation Army paid for his primary and secondary school  He is an active member in the Salvation Army. During his illness, his parents lost everything in order to pay for his medical expenses. Evariste is so proud to have recently purchased a new home for his parents in their village.

Now feeling healthy and strong and running 5K each day, Evariste dedicates his work in gratitude for his cardiac surgery.  He recently quoted on his Facebook page, "Without you (HHNW), my name does not exist on the map of Rwanda. Thank you HHNW for what you have done for us Rwandans, you have saved my life".

This is why HHNW comes to Rwanda.

Evariste and Dr. Sam Joseph 2015

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