22 April 2011


Brooke's 40th Birthday Celebration was fabulous thanks to all of the pre-planning by April! The venue was Heaven Restaurant, a local ex-pat hangout with delicious food, wonderful community enterprises (selling objects d'art for local women and hosting art shows for local painters and sculptures) and great service all surrounded by a beautiful nighttime skyline view of Kigali. We were served a delicious pumpkin bisque and protein of choice while Hal handed out Kudos to our team for making it to the halfway point of our surgery schedule. Then the Party began! Alison provided both a heart warming and heart wrenching video greeting from home that made Brooke get the ugly-cry-face. Heaven employees fixed that by singing Happy Birthday; we fixed it like all fiends do, we ate cake! Thanks to Brooke for turning 40 so we at least had a reason behind the Mutzig! And thanks again to Avril, you are the Queen of Excursion Planning!

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